Humans of RESQ- Jaffar Shaikh
January 27, 2023
by Team RESQ
Synonymous with the words hard work, perseverance, sincerity, and determination is the name Jafar Shaikh. Formerly a part of the under 19 Nationals Football team, Jafar has always been the one to pour his heart, mind, and soul into everything he does. Having joined RESQ in its initial days, Jafar was a loved member of the on-site team who would run to the RESQ center from the other end of the city, work full day rescuing animals from all kinds of scenarios, and then run back in the evening, just to save transportation costs and to maintain his fitness levels so he wouldn’t lose his edge as an athlete. He also was working as a football coach alongside until the lockdown happened and the academies shut.

That’s when he gave up coaching to work exclusively with RESQ and has never looked back. Today he is a senior rehabilitator and is known for Orphan Care. His favorite part is creating ex-situ enclosures with enrichment for species specific rehabilitation of wildlife. On a personal front, having met his then girlfriend and now wife Snehal remains his most precious bond with RESQ, he says with a shy smile.
His most memorable day since joining RESQ was the time he rescued a dog that was hit by a train, which was brought it to the center for treatment. Surprisingly the dog made a full recovery and was released back. He says how surreal it felt when the dog as severely injured as that one refused to give up its will to live and fought back to tell a tale of resilience.
Speaking of resilience, Jafar himself can be known as an epitome of it, with his undying will to transform any negative situation into a positive one. And he also extends this radiance in his life outside of RESQ. When Jaffar is not working, he’s playing and practicing football and he shyly admits that he has recently developed a keen interest in cooking and loves to try out new recipes. He also is learning to play the piano and is often found practicing late at night.
The statement he lives by is, ‘NEVER GIVE UP” and when asked what animal he would’ve liked to be born as, he says, “a Jungle cat, because it’s so unpredictable. A quality that’s of great value in sports too”.