Humans Of RESQ- Swapnil Ambhore
April 02, 2024
by Team RESQ
Recluse yet rock solid! Swapnil Ambhore is a valuable part of the team of rehabbers at the RESQ Centre. He looks after the deer and ungulate unit and enjoys his job immensely. Rehabilitation in deer species is very critical as the animals immediately go under stress even with the minutest of disturbance. To understand the inherent animal behavior and to facilitate successful releases after fruitful rehabilitation is what keeps Swapnil motivated.

Having worked at an organic farm before joining RESQ has rendered Swapnil to become greatly resourceful with growing our own animal feed. That is another thing he enjoys purely along with creating species specific enclosures for wildlife. Working at RESQ has helped him push his creative and productive boundaries and filled him with much needed confidence, he shyly admits. It’s also the work environment at RESQ that makes Swapnil want to give his best, no matter how challenging the task is. His most memorable moment so far has been the day a barking deer that was admitted in a gravely injured and dull state, made a full recovery, and got released back to the wild. A keen learner, Swapnil is constantly striving to learn new things while on the go and makes it a point to use his knowledge to the best of his capacity. When not working, he loves to go rock climbing. The quote he lives by is, “Be good, do good” and when asked what animal he would’ve loved to be born as, “a barking deer” he says almost instantly.