Humans of RESQ- Shreenath Chavan
July 03, 2022
by Team RESQ
“Who says you have to rely on a mainstream profession to build a successful career?” says Shreenath, a member of the resqsquad at resqct. He’s level-headed, bursting with knowledge and forever inquisitive. He grew up in Phaltan and has worked as a naturalist and biologist (always outdoors!) before he joined RESQ. Dictated by instinct, he has always been a 'rescuer' at heart. He was drawn to RESQ because he want to learn systematic and safe ways of rescuing animals while closely working with different types of species. Shreenath's previous knowledge and extensive understanding of animal behaviour helps him handle cases efficiently, often making it look easier than the reality. He is also known for his sharp animal tracking skills during releases and reunions. His most treasured moment so far at RESQ has been when he got to observe a rescued pangolin for the first time. The rescue he feels is unforgettable for him is one where a bull had gone rogue. The experiences he had managing the crowds and capturing the animal safely at the same time was one that taught him a lot. Every situation at RESQ is unique and often unpredictable. This is the one thing he finds challenging as no amount of planning or preparation can guarantee perfection in execution. It also leads him to the thing he loves most at RESQ - he learns something new everyday and enjoys the strength of the team, the transparent work culture and the fact that the entire team bonds like one big family. He believes ‘knowledge is power’ and in his free time, he thrives on diving into learning more and updating himself. He is highly intrigued and fascinated by insects and is jokingly called ‘the entomology encyclopaedia’ at RESQ. When asked what animal would he have liked to be born as, he says, “a wild dog, they’re fearless, immaculate strategists and brilliant team players!”