Humans Of RESQ- Vilas Agirkar
April 02, 2024
by Team RESQ
Meet a diligent and carefree individual who wholeheartedly pursues his passions, disregarding the opinions of others. Vilas Agirkar, also known for being 'yaaron ka yaar' joined RESQ a year ago and is currently employed in the domestic section and helps with treatments of large domestic animals. Although he used to be afraid of animals, everything changed when he learned working hands on in the field. Every experience has enlightened him about animal behaviour, and he has never looked back since. His responsibilities include managing food, water, and hygiene for the domestic enclosures. Prior to this, he worked as a gardener, and hence he also assists in creating enclosures for wildlife. He recalls how he truly aspired to work with RESQ which he was familiar with as an organisation due to his uncle's affiliation with it. So when there was an opening at RESQ, he seized the opportunity as he also loves working with animals more than anything. His favourite part about working at RESQ is the harmony amongst the team that is bound by one mission- determining better fate for animals in distress. Despite being calm and reserved, Vilas is always able to communicate openly at RESQ and he hold this extremely close to his heart.

When Vilas isn't working, during his leisure time, he delights in creating lively content through reels with his daughter. His reels have gained immense popularity among the RESQ team and boast of great engagement. He also enjoys and indulges in singing which allows him to let loose. He firmly believes in the adage "honesty is the best policy." When asked what animal he would've loved to be born as, " a parakeet" he says, as his family affectionately referred to him as a parakeet because of his chattiness when he was a kid, he adds.