Humans Of RESQ- Snehal Khaire
April 01, 2024
by Team RESQ
Prompt, active, sincere, always on her feet with a perpetually pleasant and a smiling face is our very own Snehal Khaire. It’s amazing how your passion always leads you a place where you can make it your profession. Snehal clearly recalls her college days when she spent all her time rescuing dogs from unpleasant situations and brought them to RESQ for treatments. She was always in awe of the work RESQ did and right after finishing college, approached RESQ for a job opportunity. Ever since, she hasn’t known of another world than the one she lives at RESQ.
With a tele marketing background, Snehal initially joined as a receptionist but took on many other roles before becoming a pharmacy manager who immaculately manages the inventory and purchases. The part she loves the most about working at RESQ is getting to work around animals, and in the lap of nature. She also treats the whole RESQ team as her family and loves to work in the friendly yet greatly organized environment. RESQ also remains special for her on a personal front as she met her life partner Jafar Shaikh here who works as a rehabber.

Her favorite moment at RESQ was when a dog who was gravely injured was admitted and no one thought he would recover. But during the lockdown he recovered fully and when Snehal saw him after the lockdown, she was ecstatic. Her daily walks with him before he got released remain her most cherished moments. When she isn’t working, Snehal loves to cook, make Mandala art, and gardening. She also loves cleaning which explains how well organized her section at the RESQ Centre always is.
The quote she lives by is, “think positive, be positive” and when asked what animal she would’ve loved to be born as, “a dog for sure” comes the reply.