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*Indian Donors = Individuals who are currently Indian Citizens, irrespective of origin
*International Donors = Individuals who are Non-Indian Citizens or of Foreign Nationality
If you choose to sponsor a Peacock, your contribution will be used towards the rescue, rehabilitation and release of Peacocks admitted to the RESQ Wildlife TTC all year round due to severe dehydration, infections diseases, attacks by free-ranging dogs, seizures from illegal captivity, and being orphaned.
The Indian Peafowl or the Peacock, as it is commonly referred to, is a bird abundantly distributed in the entire state of Maharashtra. But just like all other wildlife, they too are a victim of the changing climatic conditions and widespread urbanisation. The most common reasons for Peafowls to be admitted to the RESQ Wildlife TTC are due dehydration in the summer, attacks by free-randing dogs and falling victim to infectious diseases. Some come in from difficult situations like getting caught in nets.
Their vibrant appearance sometimes lands them in illegal captivity while sometimes they are also hunted for meat.
At RESQ Wildlife TTC, we ensure that sick or injured peafowls are given appropriate medical care and undergo rehabilitation until they are fit for release. Several orphan chicks are hand raised by our rehabilitators who are trained to provide them with special nutrition feed, veterinary care and rehabilitation supplies. Such chicks require care for 3-6 months depending on their fitness level and rehabilitation milestones to be released into a suitable habitat.
On average, it costs us Rs. 3,000 per month to provide appropriate care, manage their enclosures, rehabilitation supplies and veterinary care for a peafowl.